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IIG Design Studio
Preparing kids for tomorrow

Curiosity is the first step of creation. Kids by nature are inquisitive, always ready to explore and experiment without any inhibitions. All they need is the right platform, resources and freedom to unleash their creativity. At IIG Design Studio, we encourage this spirit of innovation and offer a unique learning environment for STEAM education through our After School activities which includes Robotics Education, Drone Making, Coding, Tinkering Workshops, Design Thinking and many such activities which will train your kid in 21 st century skills. The best part in our curriculum is that it is customised as per your kid's age and the complex concepts of science, engineering and technology are delivered in the simplest way through play and fun.

What do we offer ?

Tinkering Space Age 6 - 14

Kids are introduced to STEAM education through plug and play tools.
Fun@ Learning activities include :
  • Robotic Programming
  • Drone Workshops
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning

Makerspace Age 10 - 16

Children learn the use of various simple tools and equipment to create their own small projects.
Guided learning in areas like :
  • Design Thinking
  • 3 D Designing & Printing
  • Making Electric Circuits
  • Use of Sensors
  • Computerised Numerical Control (CNC) Programming

Science Studio Age 10 - 18

Children learn concepts of science by practically doing the experiments,
mainly in the realm of:
  • Optics
  • Motion
  • Electricity
  • Sound
  • Magnetism

Annual Events

What Our Students Say

What Our Parents Say